Manual Custom Stickers 125$ / 1000 Starting Sticker Select the sticker template to use. You can later in this form add a logo to integrate. If you don't want a banner logo at the top of the sticker, choose the white label. Keep in mind that the stickers all measure 1.5 x 2.25 inches. UniProBumper to Bumper Number of lines of text Do you want 2 or 3 lines of text at the top of your sticker? Choose 3 if you want to put the address of your workshop on the sticker. 2 Lines of text3 Lines of text First line of text Second line of text First line of text Second line of text Third line of text Do you want to write the grade and/or the type of oil used at the top of the sticker? YESNO Choose your label type Please select whether you want 2 or 3 types of oil and whether or not you want to have a line to write the oil grade. REGULAR SYNTEC WITH GRADEREGULAR SYNTECREGULAR SEMI-SYNTEC SYNTEC WITH GRADEREGULAR SYNTEC SEMI-SYNTEC Do you want to put a date on the label? NODay of the ServiceNext DateBoth LOGO Do you want to integrate a logo or an image in your sticker? If you have any special needs or special request, please let us know: I agree that a representative of the company will contact me by phone or email to offer me OCH Planner services and that my company name be displayed in the 'clients' section of the website with the image of my label as an example. [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response]